Does your team need a facilitator that can unlock their creative and imaginative potential, enabling them to leave refreshed, rejuvenated, seeing their colleagues in new and exciting ways and ready to engage projects with a renewed creative energy? Play, on purpose with Lakisha R. Lockhart, your Innovative Educator & Play Facilitator. I service faith-based organizations and corporate institutions. Choose your destination, request your initial consultation, and let’s talk about your organizational goals for your team.

“Lakisha should come back every year!” -
Attendee of a Vocational Play Workshop


Hi. My name is Lakisha R. Lockhart and I am your Innovative Educator & Play Facilitator for religious, nonprofit, corporate, & institutional organizations. I have a passion and excitement for creating transformative ludic learning environments, for young adults and adults alike by offering engaging keynotes, hands-on play leadership development and team building facilitation and transformative hands-on vocational play for workshops, retreats and trainings. 

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